The Boy who Cried, Wolf
Short Stories with Moral
Bed Time Stories for Kids
Once upon a time, a young shepherd lived in a far-off village. He led his flock of sheep early in the morning to an orchard and made them graze in the lush green meadow filled with fresh grass. He was not a mischievous boy and always tried to make fun of other.
One day, he felt boring. He wished to make people fool. He shouted, “Wolf! Wolf”.
Here is wolf. Oh People! Please come to help me. The wolf is going to kill my sheep. Now it is coming to me to eat me up.
Oh People!
Please come to help me. I need your help.
Help! Help!
The villagers came running to help the shepherded and save the sheep but there was nothing except laughing shepherded who and smiling to look at their angry faces.
“Why you were crying ‘wolf’ when there’s no wolf”? The villager said angrily.
I was just making a fun of you. The shepherded replied laughing.
A few days passed. Once again he bored and wished to have some fun. He again cried,
Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!
Oh People, come at once to help me. I am in danger. The horrible wolf is killing my sheep. Please help me.
The villagers knew the previous incident. They did not want to go but a few good people forced them to go for help. But once again they were disappointed to notice that there was nothing. The angry villagers warned again and went away..
One day when boy was watching the flock to graze in the meadow, he saw a real wolf coming toward him. He cried loudly, “Wolf” Please this time real wolf has come. Please help me! The wolf is running after sheep to eat them up.
But this time, everyone turned a deaf ear and did not respond. The wolf not only killed the shepherd but many of his sheep. At night the boy didn’t return to his home, the people wondered and inquired about the happening. They went to the place. The dead body of the boy was lying there along with a few hurt sheep. The flock had scattered too. Surely people do not believe speak lie even if they tell the truth.
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