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The Clever Frog

The Clever Frog

Kids Short Stories

Short Stories with Moral

The Deep inside a woods, there was a lake. Numerous fish, crabs, and frogs lived in the lake. Theirs was a happy and peaceful life.
Among them lived two lovely fishes named Sami and Kami. They were greater than other fish in the lake. They were exceptionally glad for their great looks and knowledge.
In a similar lake lived a frog with his wife. His name was Pummy. The fishes and frogs were great companions. They all drove an undisturbed life.
One day two fishermen, coming back from the stream in the backwoods, came across the lake. It was late at night and as regular every one of the fish and frogs was playing. Sam, Kami and Pummy and many other joined the amusement. They jumped high into the air and pursued each other.
Seeing the delightful scene the fishermen were flabbergasted and halted in their tracks.
"How delightful they look?" said one fisherman.
"Indeed. Thus a considerable lot of them as well," answered the other.
"The lake does not look deep," said the first. "Give us a chance to get some of them."
"It is now late and we have a substantial load to convey far. How about we return tomorrow," proposed the other.
Pummy swung to the others in the lake and stated, "Did you not hear what the fisherman said? We should leave this lake for a more secure place."
"Because two fishermen said they would return to get us tomorrow, you need us to leave our home and escape. For all we know, they won't return," said Kami. Regardless of whether they return to get us, I know a thousand traps to escape."
"Also, regardless of whether your thousand ways fizzle, I know another hundred approaches to get away," said Sami. " We won't let two fishermen drive us off from our me." All the others in the lake concurred with them.
"Well! I know just a single trap," said Pummy. "To leave the place before threat strikes." Pummy and his wife other left the lake looking for a more secure place. Every one of the fish, crabs, and frogs giggled at them as they exited.
The following day the fishermen came back to the lake and cast their net. "Ouch! This net is too thick for me to bite through," cried Sami.
"For me as well," cried Sami. "Just in the event that I could get out, I could do something.
"We should no listen to Kami," cried a fish. "Now we are altogether damned."
The fishermen got them all and put every one of the fish, frogs and crabs into a big sack and took them away.
Pummy, taking cover behind a rock with his better half swung to her and stated, "On the off chance that I had not acted in time, we would likewise be in that bin with the others."
